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This childcare & cooking course is ideal for childcare givers, au pairs, and ECD / pre-school assistants.

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Childcare & cooking Course Details


Early Childhood Caregiver, NQF Level 1, Credits 32


Basic Emergency First Aid Responder, NQF Level 2, Credits 2

The Educare course combines distance learning and class-based modules to create the perfect skills programme for child carers, au pairs, and pre-school assistants. The course consists of  3 modules that cover early childhood development, first aid, and basic cooking and baking skills. You can pay for the course as a whole (once-off payment), or pay per module.


Module summary

Early Childhood Development (ECD) is a priority area within the South African context and is supported by legislation, national policies and strategies. The development of babies, toddlers and young children forms the most critical foundation of further development into childhood and adulthood. This skills programme will provide a means to support ECD Practitioners and to give recognition to childcare assistants at an entry-level, thus making it possible for childcare assistants to increase their employment prospects, and at the same time provide the field with suitably qualified Childcare Givers.

A Childhood Caregiver is responsible for carefully watching for any signs of emotional or developmental issues with children. When they notice something amiss, they must bring it to the attention of a child’s parents or the appropriate team leader. The purpose of this skills programme is to transfer to the learner basic skills, knowledge and understanding that promote the holistic development and well-being of babies, toddlers and young children in different contexts and settings.

  • Assessment: Final internal Summative Assessment (FISA) & External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA, not included in price).
  • Accreditation: QCTO SP-191219
  • Delivery mode: Self-study.
  • Duration: 6 - 8 weeks (excludes EISA).
  • Price: Please contact us for the pricing.


Module summary

Basic first aid providers respond to emergency situations to provide efficient and immediate basic medical care to ill and injured persons during emergencies. They use a limited range of equipment and operate within common and uncommon situations providing a basic first aid care service that falls within a strictly regulated scope of work as defined by various regulatory requirements. Incumbents are also expected to continually remain updated on approved new practices and techniques.

  • Accreditation: QCTO SP-230801
  • Delivery mode: Class-based.
  • Duration: 2 days.
  • Price: R1 600.00 VAT inclusive.


Module summary

This module's focus is on basic cooking and baking skills to help the childcare giver plan and prepare nutritious and healthy meals and snacks for the children they are caring for. This module first teaches the basics of knife skills, correct use of equipment, safe food storage, and the importance of hygiene in food preparation, cooking, and storage. After the basics the module moves on to practical skills such as baking, frying, and grilling food, as well as how to prepare vegetables, fruit, and hot and cold sandwiches.

  • Accreditation: None
  • Delivery mode: Blended (class-based & self-study).
  • Duration: 3 weeks.
  • Price: Please contact us for the pricing.
Dates & Prices
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This course has two QCTO accredited skills programmes (modules) and one non-accredited module. Candidates will get credits for the skills programmes that they have achieved. A statement of result will be obtained from the QCTO for the relevant skills programmes.

Entry requirements

Leaner should have a good comprehension of English.

Delivery mode

Blended (class-based & self-study).

Course duration

12 weeks.

Terms & conditions

  • Full payment to be made before the start of each module.
  • If you do not attend on the booked date a R1 000.00 booking fee will be kept as a penalty charge.
  • Cancellations must be made at least 7 days prior to the start of the course or the penalty will apply.
  • Please note we do not cater for any special dietary needs.
  • Digital certificate & SoR in your own private vault. Access via the internet, anytime, anywhere. No hard-copies will be printed.


Scrolling Text
Keep up the good work. Facilitator was so welcoming. I really enjoyed the class session and she made the course to be fun and interesting. The trainer was good on every body in our class.

Course price


R1 600.00


  • Includes VAT
  • Full payment per module
  • 3 Modules to be completed
  • Final Internal Summative Assessment (FISA)
  • QCTO Accredited (2 modules)
  • Excludes EISA
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This course contains self-study / distance learning modules and you will need an internet connection, data, computer / laptop / notebook, email address, PDF reader and Microsoft Office Word, and a printer / scanner (optional).
All your training material will be emailed to you, including all supportive documentation (assessment guide, workbook, logbook, etc.). Your portfolio of evidence (POE) will also be submitted electronically via email.
You will be responsible to source an adequate workplace for your workplace practical. You will have to complete a logbook, along with your workplace supervisor / coach, to record your practical experience. Each module you complete will have the minimum days outlined that you need to spend completing your practical.
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Become a qualified childcare giver today!

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7 Van Wouw Street

Groenkloof, Pretoria

012 460 9585

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